Typically, 90% of our annual income comes from our summer exhibition in the form of door receipts, stallholder fees, exhibition entry fees, sales commission and plant & book sales. The cancellation of our events in 2020 and reduced visitor numbers in 2021 / 2022 had a significant impact on DACA’s financial position. As a result, we took the decision to suspend the awarding of grants for the last two years.
We are pleased to say that our accounts for 2022 show an improvement in our financial position and we will be awarding grants in 2023. We are grateful for the support of our members and friends, who have supported DACA throughout the recent difficult times.
Should you wish to support DACA financially, we would be delighted to accept a donation, no matter how small.
Donate online by bank transfer (BACS)
DACA’s bank details for receipt of payments are
Account Name : Dorset County Arts Crafts
Sort Code: 55-61-09 Account No: 07378548 Reference: please quote ‘DON’ followed by your surname as a reference.
Donate using your credit or debit card
DACA is currently unable to accept credit and debit card payments online via a link to the Square secure payment site.
Please use an alternative option.
Donate by cheque
Please make your cheque payable to “Dorset County Arts Crafts” and send to
Tim Morris, DACA Treasurer, 24 Nottington Lane, Weymouth, DT3 5DF
The Dorset Arts and Crafts Association is a registered charity, number 306252